Wednesday, March 12, 2008

liars, cheaters and self promoters

you know what i hate? liars! especially the kind that accuse someone of something that they are doing themselves! know what else i hate? people whose goal is to elevate self. my discerning spirit tells me that both happen much more frequently than i am willing to admit and that both are happening right under my nose. over the last few weeks i have watched people's personality change right before my eyes and lucky for me, there is "something" in me that allows me to pick up on it quicker than a blink. all i have to say to that revelation however, is...your's is coming! when you say things and respond to others based on that bad things they did, don't go there yourself. it'll come back to bite you on the butt! once again its about that principle of sowing and reaping. when you sow good, you reap good. when you sow lies, guess what???!!!!
i know that it is not the american norm for us to "consider others more important than ourselves, but last year, i watched someone get torn down just so the one doing the tearing down could take their place! you know the old adage, "history repeats itself"! i promise it does!! all of it, the good and the bad! so if you've seen bad repaid with worse, take heart, it's gonna happen again! get ready, this time, it'll be you! funny how we pass the same folks going up that you pass going down! yes, i'm talking about you!


Erin K. said...

Oh my gosh! I found Wanda in cyberspace!!! I recently joined the blogging world myself, so if you have a chance hop on over and check out my ramblings.

I miss you and Drine, and I often bless my co-workers with stories from my Crusade days. :-D In fact, the other day I told them the pogo stick story. :-) I hope all is going well for you!

Anonymous said...

WM - I hear you loud and clear & I can guarantee you those people (they know who they are & so do I) know they are acting ugly right now. Jesus has your back & I will bring you a razor blade in 2 weeks when I come to Casa de WM.

Mr. Keith said...

Can I steal some of the stuff you write, and claim it as my own? Well, I mean when I teach, not on my blog. Can I?

God bless,
Mr. Keith