Monday, September 15, 2008

Is He Out There?

Every single women I know has had that thought...people say God created someone for everyone, at least everyone that wants a someone! I think many of today's single woman have given up on that pie in the sky, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow dream. I'm sure that half the men that these women have been searching for are either in prison or living some crazy alternative lifestyle!

I persist however in my lifetime obsession of trying to match make everyone who is alone! I can't help it, and I don't know what it is about me that makes me feel that everyone has to be with someone! Sadly, there isn't someone for everyone or to put it immortal words of my friend's grandmother, "is it the someone worth giving up your aloneness for"? That's always something to be considered!!

Yesterday I was at it again. There is this guy I met recently and this girl I met even more recently that I thought might make a "love" connection. She seemed a little more interested than he did, but he smiled big and acted friendly when they met. I don't know if anything will become of it. Is it a budding romance or just two folks graciously going through an uncomfortable "set-up".
Sometime I think it might be time to retire my matchmaker and then I remember SMM and JLD, and I know...I can't give it up yet! Just two more good ones and I'll quit, I promise!!