Thursday, March 6, 2008

This morning I was spending a few moments in the Word before getting ready to go to work. It was about 6:30 and I was looking at Galatians 6:9. It says "And let us not grow weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Reap is a agricultural term that refers to fruit or harvest we gain from the seeds we plant. God uses something as practical as planting seeds and reaping the harvest from those seeds as an illusration to teach us!

Do you believe that God has a timetable? It's not unlike the timetable of a farmer. In due time all seeds we plant will grow. Some will have a quick return and we will see the efforts of our planting right away. Some will have a much slower return and the fruits of those seeds may take years, even a lifetime. It may actually be our children or our children's children that will reap harvest from that seed we planted.

But, herein lies that BIG question. What kind of seed are you planting? What sort of reward do you expect to reap? If we sow wisely, we can expect to yield good fruit, but if we do not, we can not. Too many people spend years sowing the type of seed that produces fruit that really should have never been planted and they have waited and expect to see real fruit from their planting, we call those people disillusioned. Verse 10 says "Therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all especially those in the household of faith." Most of the times, its our brothers and sisters, our family that we treat the worst.

While we wait for the fruit, we must not grow weary, but keep on keeping on. Refuse to be discouraged. Give and keep giving, love and keep loving and know that God's harvest is guaranteed! No rain will ruin His crop. We have to live and walk in expanctancy that we will see our planted seed yield.

Don't believe that I have been successful in always planting good fruit or that everything I plant has sprouted into a boutiful harvest, that would be far from truth! I am however working daily to grow in God that I might be able to recognize easy and quickly when I am not producing as I should!
Be Blessed!

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