Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Resolve - Technically It's Still A New Year!

Wow, it's been a while since I took time to put my thoughts down and my how much has changed! I've been travelling over much of the southeastern United States spending time in North and South Carolina, West Virgina and Tennessee as well as taking time in Texas for Christmas and New Year. January found me in Atlanta and Baton Rouge but today, I'm back in least for the next couple of weeks! For a woman that has always fancied herself to be a home body, these last few years have proved to be quite an adventure!

Most don't know it, but I have a little touch of OCD and could be considered by some as a big-ole-germ-o-phob! Hotels, public bathrooms and buffets are big issues for me, so you'll understand why all this travelling takes a great deal of faith! For a long while, the cleaniness of places was a major part of my verbal descriptions. Oh the stories I could tell you about the places I've been and my efforts to keep it all together and not freak out when dealing with the "dirty"!! Why, you wonder, am I sharing all the sorted details of one of the issues of my life?? Because today, I resolve to try to quit being such a clean freak or at least to try not to freak out about dirt!

I promise to try not to wipe off the silverware before I use it when I'm out! I resolve to not check glassware and coffee cups for lipstick from the previous users! I promise to try to use public restrooms without a look of disgust and revulsion on my face as I emerge! You probably won't believe this, but for me, this is quite a resolution; it would probably be easier for me to resolve to lose 100 lbs but I'm going to give it my best effort!

One last thing, no matter how hard I try or how much I change, clean body and fingernails...still a must!!