Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's been a long time

This morning I was up at 5:30, yes, it's Saturday, but there was a meeting to attend. In this life, there always seems to be something to steal Saturday, but no matter, most of the time, its worth was no different. Following the meeting, the gang all went to lunch and just hung out for a few minutes.

It's been raining here for the last 3 days, overflow from Faye, but the sun finally broke through this afternoon so, there was plenty of heat and humidity!!
Karen and I had made plans yesterday to go to a movie and we headed over to the theather near the office to see Hancock. It is a different movie, it was interesting and good. Karen and I both enjoyed it!! Then ran by the grocery store on our way to Ron and Kathy's.

Ron had decided that the Choir badges needed to be inserted in the badge covers so at about 5pm we started the badge stuffing process. His reward for us helping him was that he would order pizza and ice cream for dessert. What fun we had, laughing at stupid jokes and just enjoying one another, Ron, Kathy, Maynette, Karen and I had such an enjoyable evening. We ordered the pizza and watched "No Reservations" while we ate, worked and reminised. It been a long time since I laughed like that! It so much fun to get together with old friends and just be silly sometime! Ron, of course was the target of most of our fun!! The only thing that could have made it better is for Drine, Bob and family, Jenny and the Pylants to be there!!

We've got to get that reunion planned!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not Broken

First let me apologize for my absence! It's been partly being out of pocket and another part being lazy! In my absence however, I have been doing some thinking, so I will be sharing about some of those thoughts with you here!

One thought is about Bible people. Have you ever wondered about the people Bible stories are written about. They seem to weather all kinds of junk and still stand strong. There are days that I wish for that measure of faith and other days when I am almost sure I already have it. There are those days when I am sure I could slay a dragon should one be fool enough to try me and days when I do my fool best just to get out of bed!

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians that we would be pressed...but not destroyed!! Some times it seems as though we aren't only pressed, but flattened like a pancake, and those are the days when it isn't so easy to jump back up, shake yourself out and get back into the race. But guess what? Those are the very days that we need to the most.

I read a devotional written by my former pastor and he talked about exerting pressure on a balloon, causing it to burst or explode in the mash. We cannot under any circumstance avoid bursting when we are pressed except...God's providental hand controls the amount of pressure that is allowed to be exerted toward us. That means that everything we go through has already been across His desk. And...He is allowing us to endure it for the purpose of our growth and strength, not in our flesh, but in our spirit.

Things of life may drill us into the ground and our "outward man" may be dying, but our inward man or spirit man is being renewed every day.

I know what you're thinking, where the heck do you find the strength to keep on keeping on when you are being beat down by life? By taking your focus off self and looking to the Lord in FAITH to sustain you through whatever it is for however long it lasts. Not too many days ago I was at a very low point. My daughter and my sister both tried to encourage me, but I still felt a cloud hanging over my head. I opened the Bible looking for an answer and it all just seemed like words, so I did the only thing I know to do, pushed back the coffee table got on the floor and prepared to wrestle with God. I think the key comes in grabbing hold, hanging on and refusing to let go until He blesses you. Beating on the door and yelling, "Father, I'm out here on your doorstep and until you come and show me the direction you have for me and some road out the the mess that is my life, I'm going to stay on your doorstop waiting for an answer! Sometimes at that point, I wonder if He can even hear me, because it seems like I'm talking to myself, but He hears, and soon, He will answer. The key is sticking there and not giving up!

Be encouraged today and know that if we do not lose heart, and keep faith in the fact that He will come through (in His time not ours), we will see God's renewing power!!